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Pastoral Staff

One of the many things that perplex me about Jesus is just how diverse his methods were when it came to healing miracles. You know what I mean? Jesus certainly didn’t have a MO.

In the gospels, we see Jesus perform miraculous healings through conversations, commands, touch, spit, mud, and situations even more bizarre.

But there’s one miracle that I find extremely intriguing, but it isn’t necessarily because of Jesus.

Hear the Word of the Lord from Luke 17:

‘Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.’ (Luke 17:11-14)

Did you see at what part they were healed? Maybe you need to read that again. “As they went, they were healed.” Talk about obedience!

If I were among the 10 men Jesus told to go show myself to the priests, who were the only tickets back into civilization, I’d spout something off like “Hey man, we’re not healed yet!” Or “Don’t you think you could finish the job before we go make fools of ourselves?”

But that’s not how the story goes.

They were obedient and “as they went, they were cleansed.”

My gut reaction to the ten men’s situation reminds me of the vividly painted verse in Proverbs 10:8 “The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces.”

Here’s the truth, Church: Obedience to God leads to spiritual blessing.

But here’s the two-part catch:

Partial obedience is still disobedience.

Delayed obedience is still disobedience.

I don’t know what stressors or tribulations this Tuesday afternoon finds you in. But I do know that full, unyielding obedience to the Lord is your answer.

Of course, lucky for us, we have grace when we fall short. But when it comes to obeying the Lord, I’d rather be counted among the wise than a babbling fool.

Questions for reflection:

In what areas of your life have you been displaying partial, or incomplete obedience to God?

In what areas of your life have you been delaying your obedience to God?

What can you do this week to rectify your obedience to the Lord?

In Christ,

Pastor Gage

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